Saturday 23 September 2017


 I) Look at the picture and fill in the blanks .
1.Name the means of transport. It is found mostly in _________________ states.
Image result for railway trackImage result for camel cartImage result for cement bridge

    ________________       _______________      _____________              __________

Image result for railway track
5) This is a ______________________

It is made by cutting a _______________


Image result for railway crossing
6)   This is a _______________________

Image result for story of amrita class 4
7) Observe the picture and write a slogan


8) Observe the picture and write the name of the vehicle given below
Image result for bamboo bridge
9) What is the name of the bridge?

10)This is a ______________________Image result for hut
How it is different from the house you live?

Image result for desert trees like coconut tree
11) A common desert tree which looks like the coconut   tree


12).This sports person is related to…………………. Game.

Image result for karnam

Image result for sun flower

13)Observe the picture and write the name of the flower

14) (a).what is this?………………………………….Image result for Honeycomb

(b)what are we  getting from this?………………………

15).(a)what is the name of the painting given below………………………….
(b)In which state we can get this painting………………………………………..
Image result for madhubani painting

16.(a)what is this……………………
17)which state children use this type of bridge for going to school………………..
Image result for bamboo bridge

18) The farmer is digging the soil with _________It is used to make the soil_______________________
Image result for farming
9)Name the machine you see in the picture.write any two uses.

20) What is the long nose of elephant called? What is it used for?

21.Write the name of any one flower that grows on bushes………………………..
22.How many players play kabaddi match (in a team)?………………………….
23.Identify an animal whose ears are like fans…………………………….
24) The capital of maharashtra is  ____________________
25) __________________ is the wooden boat used in Kerala.
26)___________________ language is spoken in Goa.
27)Mather`s mother is ____________________ malayalam.
28)Omana and Radha were  ___________________
29).write name of any one insect  that live together in a group like honey bees
30).match the following
Rope trolley                           rajasthan
camel cart                               laddakh
vallam                                     Gujarat
jugad                                      kerala
31).Draw and colour a flower. write any four uses of flowers.
32) Difference between families in olden days and today’s.
33) List any two differences between Bamboo Bridge and cement bridge.
34)Write any two uses of honey?
35)Write any two reasons why the water in our rivers are getting dirty.
36) Write any two ways in which you would try to protect our rivers.
37).write any one problem faced by people during their transfer from one place to another place
38)write any two vehicle run on petrol?
39)Write any four importance of plants and animals.
40)What will happen if all the plants are cut down?
41).Write any one difference between small family and big family?
42).why do people buy flowers?
43)what are the uses of the bridge?
44)Do you think that girls should be treated equal to that of boys? Why?
45) Where is khejadli village ?
46)What are the resons for changes in a family?
47) from where does a honey bee collect honey ?
  48) where do they store the honey ?      
49)Why do we need bridges ?
50)Why is it necessary to buy ticket before travelling in a train? Write any two reasons
51)Name some means of transport where we have to buy tickets to travel .
52)What do you mean by a transfer ?
53)What are trees  ?  give example .
54)Write any one use of honey.
55)Write a desert animals
56)Write an animal with ears like leaves
57)Write any one problem faced by people during transfer from one place to another place.
58)Write any four desert plants.
59)Mention any two uses of pulley.
60) If you are a TTE What would you do to reduce the crowd and confusion near the door of a railway compartment?
 Q1 ) Mark the following states on the map of india . (  5 MARKS )
1)      Rajasthan 2)  Gujatat 3) Kerela  4)  Tamilnadu
Image result for India political map

I ) fill in the blanks :  (  5 X  1 = 5 )
Q2 ) find the following information on the train ticket.
1)      Train name  __________________________
2)      PNR  Number  _______________________
3)      Date of journey  _____________________
4)      Departure time on ticket _______________
5)      Ticket number ________________________

6)Any 4 other information you get from this ticket.
Q 3)Write about the types of bees in a beehive and the work they do.
Q4 ) what changes take place when there is a new born baby in the house ?                                                                  
Q5)Draw a poster showing our rivers are becoming dirty.
Q6)Write any two ways in which you would try to protect our rivers?
Q7) With the help of picture given.Explain five steps in farming.

Sunday 12 March 2017



1)    75 paise is same as ___________
     i) Re. 0.75           ii) Rs.75.00                 iii) Re.7.50
2) The area of a rectangle is __________
     i) Side x Side          ii) Length x Width           iii) 4 x Side
3) If 1cm on the map = 1000 km on the ground
     Then 10 cm on the map = _______ km on the ground.
     i) 1000 km              ii) 10000 km          iii) 100 km
4) The measurement of the school land is _________
     i)                   ii)              iii) Sq .m
5) A dice has _______ faces.
    i) 12                           ii) 6                        iii) 8

6.A cube has           vertices,           edges and       _faces.

7.Acube has           sides equal and a cuboid has its                                    sides equal in length.

8.(a)           X            = 100      (b)              X            = 200                (c)            X            = 1000

(d)              X            = 30                             

9. The length of the boundary is called its ______________                                 

10 a)The area of a square is  ____________________                                      b. The area of a rectangle is  __________________                                

11. (a) 2 Kgms =     

(d) 8.5Kgms =      

(b) 7 Kgms =      

(e) 13Kgms =      

(c)7.800 Kgms =     

(f) 6.750 Kgms =   

12. Write the appropriate unit:

a)The length of a sari   

c) The length of a pencil    

b) The length of the sea     

d) The length of a road     

e) The length of a door       

f) The length of a sharpener  

13.(a) 3000 / 10 =                             (b) 4500 /45 =                      (c) 8000 /          = 2000 (d) 6000 /         = 6                        (e) 2000 /2000 =       -          (f) 80/          = 20
14. Identify the following shape into Cube/cuboid

a) Television      

b) Pencil box             

c) dice         

d) duster         

18.Write the      numeral-

e) eraser                               f) CPU       

a) 100 +60 + 3 + 2/10 +5/100 =         b) 600 +50 + 4+ 3/10 +4/1000 =       

c) 700 +3+5/10=     

d) 3000 +300+30+3+3/10+3/100=  

15) Find the perimeter and area of the following:

a) A square of side 25 cm                    b) A square of side 50 cm                  c) A square of side 65 m ii) A rectangle of  a) Length = 35 cm  width = 18 cm
b) length = 45 m     width = 20 m               c) length = 60  width = 45 m

16) Raghu purchased a back bag for Rs.180. If he wants to give it to 49 of his students how much money should he have?

17) Sheela got apples for Rs.220 per Kg and mangoes for Rs.425 per kg. She bought 2 Kg of apples anfd 1 ½ kg of mangoes. How much should she pay the shopkeeper?

18) Shyamla goes for jogging around a triangular park. The side measures as 15 m, 28m and 25 m. What distance will she walk a) If she goes for one round?
b) If she goes for 5 rounds?

19) Shankar sold an egg for Rs.4.50,    ball for Rs.12.
a) Calculate the cost of 1 ½ dozen eggs:
b) Calculate the cost of one dozen eggs:

c) Find the cost of 45 balls:

20) Draw a cube and cuboid. Mark vertices, edges and faces.

21) I drink 8 glasses of water in one day.

a) Calculate how much water will I drink for one week?

b) Calculate how much water will I drink for the month of April?

c) How much water is needed for one year?

22. Make a tally mark for the following:

Tally mark





23. Find as required:

12 cm

40 cm

60 cm
225 sq cm
8 cm
5 cm

20 cm

80 cm

15 cm
12 cm

24. Find the perimeter and area of the following square and rectangle:

a) Side of a square is 25 cm b)A rectangle of length 20 m and width 16m
c) a rectangle of length double the width and the width is 5 cm
d) A square of side 55 cm

25. Arrange the following in Ascending order.

a) 2.45, 2.08, 2.329, 2.5                                      b)1.567, 1.568, 1.632, 1.4 c) 12.345, 12.09, 12.6, 12.123                            d) 456.8, 45.68, 4.68, 456.9
26. The shop keeper sells one litre of oil at Rs.115. If he sells 24 litre of oil per day how much will he earn?

27. A baby weighs 4 Kg. How many babies will equalize a weight of 200 kgms?

28. Mr.Shyam wants to tile his garage. The length and width of the garage is 200 cm and 160 cm. How many tiles will he need if one side of the square tile is 10 cm?

29. Observe the table and answer the following:

10 gm
25 gm
50 gm
100 gm
50 gm

1)Calculate the quantity of tea, sugar and milk powder for one person for one week?

2)How much of atta and dal do they require for 8 persons for a) One day                   b) One week
3) If 5 of them are going what quantity of atta and dal do they need for one week?

20. The weight of 10 rupee coin is 12 gms.

a) How many coins will be there in a bag of 10 rupee coins if it weighs i) 1200 gms?                       Ii) 12 Kg?                            III) 24 Kg?
31. The cost of a land is Rs110 per sq metre. If Mr.X bought a land of length 60 m and a width of 40 m.

What amount should he make it ready?

32. Find the volume:

a) L= 20 cm
B=12 cm
H=10 cm
b) L= 12 cm
B= 8 cm
H= 15 cm
c) L= 24 cm
B=10 cm
H= 5 cm
d) L= 40 cm
B= 20 cm
H= 15 cm

33) A baby elephant drinks around 12 litre of milk every day. How much milk will it drink in one year?(1 year 365 days)

34) Observe the table and write the number of each vehicle in the table.
Tally Marks




35) 576 books are to be packed in boxes, if one box has 24 books, how many   boxes are needed?


37) Use the given data and make a Chappati chart.
What they like to do after school
No. of children
Watching TV
Playing football
Reading story books
Playing computer games


38.See the following bar chart and answer the following questions.

i) Which city is the hottest on 1 June?
ii) Which city is the coldest on 1 December?
iii) Which city shows little change in temperature on the 2 days
    1 June and 1 December? ________________
iv) Which city is the hottest on 1 December?

39) Divide and check
                            968 ÷ 4                              

40) Harim took a loan to build his house.  He has to pay back Rs.2750 every month for 2 years. How much will he pay back in 2 years?

41) If our heart beats 72 times in one minute. How many times will it beat in 1 hour? (1 hour 60 minutes)

The table shows the amount fixed by 4 states
Salary for one day
Madhya Pradesh
Answer the following questions from the above table
i) Which state has fixed the highest amount?
Ans ________________  
ii) Which state fixed the lowest salary?
Ans ________________

iii) Bhairon singh is a worker in Rajasthan, if he works for 5 weeks on the farm, how much will he earn?

iv) Neelam is a worker in Haryana, if she works for 90 days on the farm, how much will she earn?